Quite. simply.
conflict solutions and
out-of-court dispute resolution

In almost three decades as a lawyer exclusively working in employment law and certified specialist lawyer for employment law, I have got to know the world of work in all its facets and from all legal perspectives. As an advisor to companies and entrepreneurs. But also as a committed representative of employees and board members as well as works councils and employee representative bodies. As a partner in a large international law firm and head of the German employment law practice and before that as a lawyer in medium-sized law firms. My passion for a cooperative working culture in the businesses and for the interests of everyone involved has not waned.
After this long journey, however, a passion has emerged through the often controversial employment law and has become more and more important for me in recent years. I am more than happy when I can support the people in the businesses, companies and entrepreneurs, the business partners in the most diverse constellations, in resolving conflict situations out-of-court, quickly, inexpensively and efficiently by mutual agreement. It is important that the solutions found are recognised by both sides as viable in the long term. Any agreement must be voluntary. The real interests of the parties decide, not the backward-looking "be right". Together we can find smart and viable conflict solutions for the future based on my decades of employment law experience in a wide variety of legal and factual constellations.
With this background, I work for you at arbitram as a specialist lawyer for employment law and as a certified mediator with an extra-occupational master's degree in mediation (M.M.) from the FernUniversität in Hagen, in particular in all conceivable constellations of working life, as an arbitrator, in voluntary redundancy programs and in company conciliation boards.

Andrew Vogel
Certified Mediator (M.M.)
Lawyer I specialist lawyer for employment law
The founder and owner of arbitram, Andreas Vogel, has almost 30 years of professional experience as a specialist lawyer for employment law. In addition to his German qualification, he has also been qualified as a solicitor (England and Wales) for many years. He therefore works bilingually and, thanks to his dual qualification, has a deep understanding of intercultural conflict situations.
Until arbitram was founded in mid-2016, he was a partner at the international law firm Ashurst LLP in Frankfurt am Main, where he headed the Employment/Incentives/Pensions department nationwide for many years. In this function, he has advised on all facets of employment, works constitution and business and company co-determination law in countless mandates.
In addition to his work as a lawyer, Andreas Vogel now works with arbitram as a mediator, especially in internal business conflict situations, as an arbitrator, in voluntary redundancy programs and in company conciliation boards.
With Vogel.Legal at the same time, he continues to advise as a specialist lawyer for employment law, both companies and executives from banks, insurance companies and companies in all sectors.