voluntary redundancy program.
In the case of operational restructurings with staff reductions
after agreement between the employer and the works council in addition to the reconciliation of interests and the social plan
Conflict-free implementation of staff reductions according to the principle of "double voluntariness"
Goal: no employment tribunal proceedings, amicable solutions without any unilaterally imposed redundancies
Arbitram designs voluntary redundancy programs together with the operating partners and is also available to them as a trustee.
In the context of operational restructuring projects, voluntary redundancy programs represent a successful and tried and tested means of controlling staff reductions. The employer, in consultation with the works council or the trade union, approaches the entire workforce, certain groups of employees or even individual employees in order to come up with amicable solutions, in particular to implement the downsizing with termination agreements, severance payment regulations and early retirement solutions.
The separation of employees who agree to the employer's offer is quick, conflict-free and fair and does not require technical redundancies for operational reasons under German employee protection laws. It is based on the principle of the so-called "double voluntariness". The employer is free to offer the termination agreement and the employee is not obliged to accept it either.
In particular, the social selection required in the case of a conventional, unilateral downsizing and thus the threatening loss of top performers and know-how carriers in the company are being avoided. Lengthy, costly legal disputes that are often unpredictable in terms of their outcome are avoided.
As a specialist lawyer for employemtn law with almost three decades of professional experience and as a certified mediator (M.M.), I will guide you competently and purposefully through your company voluntary redundancy program.